Emotionally Focused Therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) helps couples break negative patterns and reconnect with their partner. This method helps relationships return to its nurturing roots and healthy patterns.  The goal is to move a relationship from a place of distress to a place of comfort and trust.

EFT helps to answer these common questions in a relationship:

  • Do I matter to my partner?
  • Can I count on my spouse?
  • Can I trust my partner?
  • Will he/she be there for me when I need them to?

These questions are typical for a couple in distress, and EFT can help answer these questions and move the relationship away from what you are fighting about to what brought you together in the first place.

The process takes a reasonable number of sessions and like any therapy, isn’t always easy. Studies have found that 70-75% of couples who go through EFT move into recovery mode and approximately 86% of couples show significant improvements. EFT has also been shown to be successful with individuals and families.

EFT works well with couples who are emotionally closed off as well as those who are angry and hurt. EFT has been shown effective for couples where one partner is suffering with depression, chronic illness and even PTSD.

If you are experiencing marital problems, Jennifer De Francisco can help you. Jennifer offers couples counseling in Newport Beach and the rest of the Orange County,CA area.


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