Category Archives: Marriage

Can Nagging Ruin Your Marriage?

New research indicates that nagging, when one person repeatedly makes a request and the other repeatedly ignores it, is more toxic to the health of a couple’s marriage than infidelity or financial problems. In fact, it is this type of … Continue reading

What is Financial Infidelity?

Financial infidelity occurs when one person in the marriage habitually lies to their partner about their spending habits, and it is done in such a way that it is threatening the health of the marital relationship. Sometimes the person has … Continue reading

How Do You Create a Happy Marriage?

If you want to know how to have a meaningful, fulfilling marriage, you might want to ask those with a long and successful history of being happily married. The College of Human Ecology at Cornell University recent completed what they … Continue reading

When Is Sexting Cheating?

Think long and hard before you press that send button. In mid-2010, Rep Anthony Weiner (D-NY) announced that he was resigned from Congress as a result of “tweeting” nude, and perhaps even lewd, photos of himself to several women who … Continue reading

What is An Emotional Affair?

An Affair of the Heart Sexuality infidelity is pretty cut and dry; one partner steps outside the bounds of the relationship and engages in sexual activity with someone other than their spouse. Emotional infidelity can be defined as having emotional … Continue reading