Category Archives: Reference

Understanding the Fear of Success and Self-Sabotage

The fear of failure is an almost universal human anxiety in the modern world. We all, at one point or another, have worried that our actions will disappoint others or ourselves. But the fear of success? Why would someone intentionally … Continue reading

A Psychodynamic Understanding of Alcoholism: Part I

The deleterious effects of alcoholism are devastating; it destroys lives, families, and marriages, wrecking havoc upon every facet of a person’s and their family’s life. Even worse, it can often lead to death. Heavy drinking is the third leading preventable … Continue reading

What is Complicated Grief?

Grief is an unavoidable part of the human experience. It is a normal, healthy reaction to the loss of a loved one, and it is also excruciatingly painful. In fact, the loss of a loved one is one of the … Continue reading

What is Co-Dependency?

Although there is no diagnosis for Co-Dependency in the DSM-V (the diagnostic manual most often used by clinicians) it can be a useful concept in understanding how some individuals involved in relationships with alcoholic or abusive spouses are often suffering … Continue reading

Can Listening to Music Relieve Pain?

A growing number of researchers are starting to use music in clinical settings as an analgesic to pain. At the very least, it takes the patient’s mind off of the pain (think earbuds during a long jog), and now scientists … Continue reading