Tag Archives: anxiety

Interrupted Sleep Can Be As Harmful As No Sleep

Jennifer’s Take: As a mother of a one-year-old I can emotionally relate to everything in this study!  Unless you are a new parent, it can be difficult to understand the chronic stress that occurs with not only adjusting to a … Continue reading

How Childhood Trauma leads to Depression, Anxiety and Alcoholism in Adults

Childhood trauma and emotional loss is the universal template for many of the ills experienced in adulthood, such as addiction, depression, and even a shorted lifespan.  This correlation has been overwhelmingly proven through The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, which … Continue reading

Understanding the Fear of Success and Self-Sabotage

The fear of failure is an almost universal human anxiety in the modern world. We all, at one point or another, have worried that our actions will disappoint others or ourselves. But the fear of success? Why would someone intentionally … Continue reading

For You Men Out There: Marriage Improves Your Health

The research is in: marriage improves the health of both sexes, but especially for men. Married men have greater longevity, overall physical health, and general happiness levels than their single counterparts. Oh yeah- they have more sex, too. 1. Married … Continue reading

How Grief Can Kill You

The intense emotional pain of losing a spouse can take a terrible toll psychologically, especially in the case of couples that have been in long-term marriages. But can grief actually trigger a heart attack? Science has recently confirmed what our … Continue reading