Tag Archives: anxiety
A Deeper Understanding of Kleptomania
What is it? It can be hard to understand why someone would steal something that they do not need, will not use, and will not even sell for personal gain. But this is exactly the nature of kleptomania, making it … Continue reading
Understanding the Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
What Does It Mean to be Obsessive Compulsive? People with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder spend a disproportionate amount of their time thinking and doing rather than enjoying other states of being, such as playing, sensing, daydreaming, intuiting, or creating art. … Continue reading
Is Psychotherapy Cost Effective?
Psychotherapy can feel expensive in terms of time, money, and energy spent for many patients. Fortunately, an exhaustive new study by The Group for The Advancement of Psychiatry has demonstrated that it is indeed worth the time and money. Leaving a … Continue reading
How Do You Help a Loved One Get Into Counseling?
The advice is almost always the same: if you are suffering from depression, seek professional help from a counselor or therapist. Over 15 million adults suffer from a major depressive disorder, and millions more suffer from bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders, … Continue reading