Tag Archives: couples counseling
Relationship Counseling: What is and is Not Emotional Abuse?
As a couples therapist, I often see spouses that fight constantly. The intensity of the arguing in some cases can often be overwhelming, even frightening. In couples counseling, we learn to fight effectively and communicate appropriately, ideally with empathy for … Continue reading
Understanding the Fear of Success and Self-Sabotage
The fear of failure is an almost universal human anxiety in the modern world. We all, at one point or another, have worried that our actions will disappoint others or ourselves. But the fear of success? Why would someone intentionally … Continue reading
Can Nagging Ruin Your Marriage?
New research indicates that nagging, when one person repeatedly makes a request and the other repeatedly ignores it, is more toxic to the health of a couple’s marriage than infidelity or financial problems. In fact, it is this type of … Continue reading
What is Financial Infidelity?
Financial infidelity occurs when one person in the marriage habitually lies to their partner about their spending habits, and it is done in such a way that it is threatening the health of the marital relationship. Sometimes the person has … Continue reading
Defense mechanism of The Week: Introjection
What is It? At its simplest, introjection is the process of misunderstanding the feelings that come from the outside as coming from the inside. Although introjection tends to be a more primitive defense, it can sometimes be used in a … Continue reading