Tag Archives: marriage

How Do You Create a Happy Marriage?

If you want to know how to have a meaningful, fulfilling marriage, you might want to ask those with a long and successful history of being happily married. The College of Human Ecology at Cornell University recent completed what they … Continue reading

When Is Sexting Cheating?

Think long and hard before you press that send button. In mid-2010, Rep Anthony Weiner (D-NY) announced that he was resigned from Congress as a result of “tweeting” nude, and perhaps even lewd, photos of himself to several women who … Continue reading

Defense Mechanism of the Week: Denial

We all use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves psychologically from uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and experiences.  Some defense mechanisms are more adaptive to the ego, while others are more primitive.  One of the more primitive is denial.  Everyone uses it occasionally, … Continue reading

Is Marriage In Trouble in The United States?

A recent study by the National Marriage Project of the University of Virginia has found that for the first time in the United States, children are more likely to be living with two biological parents who have never married than … Continue reading

Understanding Infidelity: Why You Need a Couples Counselor Who Really Understands and Treats Infidelity

Infidelity is one of the most devastating events that can happen to a relationship, usually with serious and painful consequences for both partners. It brings up feelings that are often so overwhelming and intense, felt on both a physical and … Continue reading