Tag Archives: narcissism

A Psychodynamic Understanding of Alcoholism: Part I

The deleterious effects of alcoholism are devastating; it destroys lives, families, and marriages, wrecking havoc upon every facet of a person’s and their family’s life. Even worse, it can often lead to death. Heavy drinking is the third leading preventable … Continue reading

What is Self-Psychology?

In the 1960’s, psychologists began to notice that there were a group of patients that were not well described by current Freudian, Cognitive Behavioral, or Ego Psychology models. These patients seemed empty and devoid of internal objects, and came to … Continue reading

Defense Mechanism of the Week: Projection

Newport Beach, Orange County– What is projection?  What does it mean for someone to project his or her feelings onto someone else?  Simply put, projection is the misunderstood perception that feelings that in reality come from the inside are coming … Continue reading

When does Healthy Self-Regard Turn into Narcissism?

A certain amount of self-regard is healthy. Clearly low self-worth causes psychological pain and suffering, but when does high self-regard turn into Narcissism? Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPR) is a form of pathological narcissism recognized by the DSM-V and first recognized by … Continue reading